The First Archdiocesan Catholic University in Asia

   (045) 961-3617   Unisite Subd., Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga 2000

UA Transforms You

It’s more than a motto. It’s what we prove each and every day, as Assumptionists.

UA Transforms You

It’s more than a motto. It’s what we prove each and every day, as Assumptionists.



Providing Quality Catholic Education

The University of the Assumption, an Archdiocesan Catholic Educational Institution, envisions itself as the leading formator of academically competent, morally upright, and socially responsible Catholic leaders.

The University of the Assumption commits itself to the integral degral development of Catholic leaders.


Level of PAASCU accreditation for basic-ed program


Undergraduate and graduate programs with PAASCU accreditation

0 +

academic scholarships and grantees every semester

0 %

Employability of UA graduates within 3 months after graduation

Get To Know UA


Academic Excellence



Christian Formation



Community Service



Academic Competence (Scientia)


  • Faith Understanding

  • Truth-Seeking


  • Academic Excellence

  • Personal Excellence


Moral Uprightness (Virtus)


  • Honesty / Integrity

  • Conscientiousness


  • Respect

  • Teamwork


Social Responsibility (Communitas)


  • Faith Witnessing

  • Leadership


  • Charity

  • Extension

From the President's Table

Hello everyone! Happy Foundation Day!
I greet you with joy and cheerfulness!

In union with the Universal Church’s launching of the Ordinary Jubilee Year of 2025, we have adopted the theme of HOPE for our Foundation Day celebration. It is our dear Pope Francis’ personal aspiration that hope be the overarching theme of the upcoming Jubilee Year, which is duly reflected in the opening words of the Bull of Indiction, with the Latin title “Spes non confundit” which translates as…Hope does not disappoint. Yes, hope never leads us to failure or disillusion. That is why we shout out loud here at UA that “IN HOPE WE ARE SAVED!”

In celebrating such hope, we inspire joy and appreciation of God’s wonderful gifts. Such giftedness pushes us forward and brings us closer to such hope and salvation. And so at UA, we celebrate our charisms! We discover and cultivate them as such is God’s desire and intention!
We manifest and share them unselfishly for the good of the community! As we recognize countless gifts and charisms of every Assumptionist, we champion and endorse our six charisms demonstrated and upheld by our founder Archbishop Emilio Cinense and lived out for years and decades by those who were in UA long before us: CATHOLICITY, EXCELLENCE, VALUES, RELATIONSHIP, LEADERSHIP, and MISSION!

With the guidance of the Lord and the hand of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding us, may our UA charisms and countless other charisms give us genuine hope as we celebrate our Foundation Day and gaze towards the future with faith and joyful expectation!

To everyone, cheers and Happy Foundation Day!

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Rev. Fr. Oliver G. Yalung, DL, PhD

University President

Around the Campus

Global Rotation Program a joined activity between Handong Global University (South Korea) and the University of the Assumption

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Join our community of Catholic leaders committed to academic excellence, Christian formation and community service.

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College Application Forms

First Semester AY 2025-2026

Scan or click the QR code to view application form.